Friday, June 5, 2009

Disability for peripheral neuropathy

Back to filing for disability to begin with.... I filed in March with the full support of my Dr's. I live in Lakeland, FL. My PCP (primary care physician) is at the Watson Clinic. I don't know why they call it a clinic it is certainly not a free clinic (I wish), it is a giant, multi location medical center. I see several Drs there. Dr Estupinan is great, and so is Dr McPhail-Pruitt. Dr M-P is a pain management Dr. These 2 doctors are wonderful, they are straightforward and honest, jut how I like my doctors. Well, just how I like my people really, no bullshit. Dr M-P sent me for occupational therapy for my hands. The first night I came home and really wanted to cut my hands off. The next time I asked the therapist to slow it back, and he said that was slow, but he did. Some nice warm heat, a little hand massage, trying to pick up these stupid pegs like a freakin 5 year old could do, but just annoyed the hell out of me. I got better a little better at the pegs after a few weeks, but the pain didnt improve and neither did the inflammation.
I take 1800 mg of gabapentin now which does help keep the electric shock type pains to a minimum. Dr Estupinan and Dr M-P both said with my level of pain and problems all they could really do is keep me comfortable. Oh yay more pain meds. That was sarcasm. I hate the way they make my head swim. They don't always do that, but sometimes and it sucks. The other problem, according to Dr Estupinan, is the clinic has a blanket policy against pain meds other than darvocet or ultram. So patients get passed around from the primary care to the pain management dr to the neurologist or someone else and then back to the primary without anything really being done but lots being charged to the insurance company. Some kind of a scam, huh?
So the PCP recommended I go to USF medical center. That is at our University in Tampa, about an hour from here. Now really I don't drive anymore. Usually to the grocery store .5 miles from here is ok, but my hands swell and cramp up so I just can't so that means someone to drive me.
All for now, I have the stomach flu and now the dog has just thrown up all over the living room too, oh fun!