Monday, June 22, 2009


I'd just like to say OMG THE PAIN. The pain of the last week has just been torture and it doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon, or even lessening, just getting worse. I can say with all honesty that my ears don't hurt, lol. I was so looking forward to spending Father's Day at my aunt's with her, my uncle, and my cousins. We went, and we even took Toobie. I don't know if that was a good idea, my poor baby it was so hot for her in the car with no a/c. I take a big bowl oof ice and feed it to her, she's supposed to lick it herself or drink the melted water, but the spoiled little princess prefers mommy to hold the ice in her hand so she can lick it or chew it. Plus one she loves car rides and two she loves parties at my aunt's. She just loves all the attention and the little kids, she's so good with them. I hate to say Stephen drove an hour and a half each way and we only stayed about 2 hours. I started hurting bad and when that happens I just feel so sick. I snuck off and laid down for a little bit in the spare bedroom but it didn't help so we said goodbye to my Aunt & Uncle and snuck out without saying goodbye to everyone else. I just hate the big "yeah we're leaving, I don't feel well" scene. You know and everyone is "I'm sorry, I hope you feel better". Rather just sneak out quietly and let them have fun. Stephen even offered up an extra green tea on the way home because he knew I had to be feeling bad to leave my aunt's so early. I slept for about an hour but I'm just in too much pain to sleep. Everything aches but My chest on the left side is just so bad, the muscles there in the front and back. The degenerative disc in my lower back is putting intense pain on my hips. And the neuropathy is sending sharp pains to my fingers and toes. And of course the burning. Man, I'm so tired.
Poor Stephen, one of his teeth broke, the molars. I mean he doesn't take care of his teeth, brush them, but still that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt like hell when one breaks like that. I worry about it getting infected or something but there is no swelling in his face. He's just miserable though.